Depending on how much you buy, the price of especially posting can add up! Here is a short guideline to how much you can be expected to pay.
A regular package weighing between 0 and 2 kilograms can be sent either with Track & Trace or without. Over 2 kilograms it is only with Track & Trace. I will give the prices without.
Of course, the total price will depend on what you buy, where you live and how it needs to be sent. This is just a guideline!
*Not all areas
A regular package weighing between 0 and 2 kilograms can be sent either with Track & Trace or without. Over 2 kilograms it is only with Track & Trace. I will give the prices without.
- Belgium, Denmark*, Germany, France, Italy*, Luxemburg, Austria, Monaco, Spain*, United Kingdom* and Sweden. € 9.80
- All other countries of Europe, including the areas not in the first group, excluding Russia. € 12.60
- All other countries of the world, including Russia. € 18.20
Of course, the total price will depend on what you buy, where you live and how it needs to be sent. This is just a guideline!
*Not all areas